Employees who receive company shares may negotiate the subscription or allotment rights attached to these shares even during the period when they are not negotiable pursuant to Article L. 3324-10.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Three: Working hours, pay, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Book III: Employee dividends: incentives, profit-sharing and employee savings schemes | Title II: Profit-sharing | Chapter IV: Calculation and management of profit-sharing | Section 3: Valuation of securities. | Article D3324-21 of the French Labour Code
Employees who receive company shares may negotiate the subscription or allotment rights attached to these shares even during the period when they are not negotiable pursuant to Article L. 3324-10.
Les salariés attributaires d’actions de l’entreprise peuvent négocier les droits de souscription ou d’attribution afférents à ces titres même au cours de la période où ceux-ci ne sont pas négociables en application de l’article L. 3324-10.
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