The National Committee identifies and prioritises, taking into account national healthcare needs and access to care, the deployment of new methods of patient care or transfers of activities, care or prevention procedures between healthcare professionals of national interest, which could be the subject of a national protocol.
With a view to drawing up a national protocol, the Committee publishes a call for expressions of interest, which specifies the elements needed to draft the protocol and its economic model. This call for expressions of interest is accessible via a dedicated online application on the website of the Ministry of Health.
The national committee selects one or more candidate teams. It provides support to the drafting team mentioned in III of article L. 4011-3 for the collegiate preparation of the national protocol and its economic model.
The national committee forwards the draft national protocol to the Haute Autorité de santé. In the light of the latter’s opinion, the national committee may propose that the ministers responsible for health and social security authorise the protocol. It also gives its opinion on the financing of this protocol by the health insurance scheme.
Once authorised by the decree referred to in III of article L. 4011-3, the national protocol is applicable throughout France by the teams which satisfy the conditions of this decree and the provisions of article D. 4011-4.