When a federative structure is created on the initiative of several national professional councils, its mission, in order to be recognised by the State, is to :
1° To coordinate discussions and work on subjects of common interest, as well as methodological sharing, in order to encourage cross-disciplinary approaches and synergies between professions or specialities, to advance common knowledge and to develop consensus on professional practices.
To this end, it may organise, in agreement with all the specialties concerned, coordination arrangements for sub-specialties common to several specialties corresponding to cross-disciplinary specialised training as defined by article R. 632-22 of the Education Code.
2° To take charge of functions on behalf of its members, to set up resource centres and to share the costs corresponding to activities carried out in common;
3° Representing, through members drawn from the national professional councils, the public authorities in actions requiring cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches;
The agreement signed between a federative structure and the State, referred to in article L. 4021-3, specifies the specific tasks carried out by the federative structure, as well as the functions carried out on behalf of all or some of the National Professional Councils within the scope of 2° of this article.