I.-The National Periodic Certification Board referred to in article L. 4022-5 comprises a collegiate body and professional commissions.
II.-The chairman of the national board for periodic certification referred to in article L. 4022-6 chairs the collegiate body.
In addition to its chairman, the collegiate body comprises:
1° The chairman of each of the health professional orders or his representative;
2° The chairman of each of the professional commissions referred to in III or his representative or, where an umbrella body is part of the professional commission, his vice-chairman or his representative;
3° Two representatives from associations approved under article L. 1114-1;
4° The President of France Universités or his representative who is the director of a university component in the health field;
5° One representative of the non-university training institutes for the professions mentioned in article L. 4022-3;
6° Two persons qualified for their expertise in one of the areas of periodic certification mentioned in articles L. 4022-1 and L. 4022-2;
7° One representative of the trade unions representing medical staff and one representative of the trade unions representing midwives and non-medical staff;
8° One representative of the liberal medical professions and one representative of the liberal non-medical health professions;
9° One representative of the federations representing public health establishments and one representative of the federations representing private health establishments.
Representatives of the Ministries of Health, Higher Education and Defence attend meetings of the collegiate body in an advisory capacity.
The Chairman may invite any other person to attend in an advisory capacity, as required by the agenda.
III. -The professional commissions mentioned in I are:
1° The professional commission for dental surgeons;
2° The professional commission for nurses;
3° The professional commission for physiotherapists;
4° The professional commission for doctors;
5° The professional commission for chiropodists;
6° The professional commission for pharmacists;
7° The professional commission for midwives.
Each professional commission comprises representatives of the national professional councils for the profession and specialties concerned and, where they exist, their federative structures, up to a maximum of twenty-five members appointed for a three-year term. Each professional committee is chaired by the president of the national professional council that makes it up, or by a member of this committee that he appoints for this purpose. Where the committee comprises several national professional councils, the committee is chaired by the person designated by their presidents and, where such a body exists, by the president of the federative structure for the national professional councils it represents. A vice-chairman is appointed under the same conditions.
The chairman of the professional commission may invite to meetings, as necessary, representatives of patients and users, representatives of trade unions representing healthcare professionals and employers’ federations. Representatives of the Ministries of Health, Higher Education and Defence may attend working sessions of the professional commissions, depending on their agenda. The Chairman shall be informed.
IV. -The members of the collegiate body are appointed by joint order of the ministers responsible for health and higher education, for a period of three years, in accordance with the following procedures:
1° Each order of health professionals appoints the president of its national council or his or her representative;
2° Each of the seven professional commissions mentioned in III appoints its president who, where appropriate, may propose his or her representative;
3° The associations approved by the health system under article L. 1114-1 nominate two patient and user representatives;
4° France Universités nominates its Chairman, who may nominate his representative who is the director of a university component in the health field;
5° The representatives of the non-university training institutes for the professions mentioned in article L. 4022-3, affiliated to the national association of directors of paramedical schools, propose a representative;
6° The trade unions represented on the Higher Council of medical, odontological and pharmaceutical staff propose a representative of medical staff;
7° The trade unions represented on the Higher Council of the hospital civil service propose a representative of midwifery and non-medical staff;
8° The Union nationale des professions de santé (National Union of Health Professions) proposes one representative of the liberal medical professions and one representative of the liberal non-medical health professions;
9° The federations representing public hospital establishments propose one representative;
10° The federations representing private hospital establishments propose one representative.
V.-With the exception of the President of the Conseil national de la certification périodique, for each full member of the collegiate body, with the exception of 1°, 2°, 4° and 6° of II, and of the professional commissions, a substitute of the other sex is designated and appointed, in accordance with the same procedures.
VI – With a view to their appointment, the chairman and members of the collegiate body are subject to the provisions of article L. 1451-1, and are required to complete a declaration of interests under the conditions set out in article R. 1451-1.