It is prohibited to employ employees holding a fixed-term employment contract and temporary employees to carry out work exposing them to the following dangerous chemical agents or ionising radiation:
1° Asbestos: servicing or maintenance operations on flockings or lagging; containment, removal or and demolition work;
2° The following aromatic amines: benzidine, its homologues, salts and chlorinated derivatives, 3,3’dimethoxybenzidine (or dianisidine), 4-aminobiphenyl (or 4-aminodiphenyl);
3° Sodium arsenite;
4° Hydrogen arsenide (or hydrogen arsenide);
5° Auramine and magenta (manufacture);
6° Beryllium and its salts;
7° Beta-naphthylamine, N, N-bis (2-chloroethyl)-2-naphthylamine (or chlornaphazine), o-toluidine (or orthotoluidine);
8° Liquid or gaseous bromine, excluding compounds;
9° Cadmium: metallurgical and smelting works;
10° Soluble mineral cadmium compounds;
11° Chlorine gas, excluding compounds;
12° Chloromethane (or methyl chloride);
13° Vinyl chloride during polymerisation;
14° Mercury dichloride (or mercury bichloride), mercury oxycyanide and alkyl derivatives of mercury;
15° Manganese dioxide (or manganese dioxide);
16° Fluorine gas and hydrofluoric acid;
17° Iodine, solid or vapour, excluding compounds;
18° Carbon oxychloride;
19° Paraquat;
20° Phosphorus, phosphorus pentafluoride, hydrogen phosphide (or hydrogen phosphorus);
21° Linseed dust: work exposing to inhalation;
22° Hard metal dust;
23° Ionising radiation: work performed in an area where the effective dose likely to be received, integrated over one hour, is equal to or greater than 2 millisieverts or in a radiological emergency situation, where such work requires assignment to the first group defined in 1° of II of Article R. 4451-99;
24° Carbon sulphide;
25° Tetrachloroethane;
26° Tetrachloromethane (or carbon tetrachloride);
27° Disinsectisation work on wood (spraying the product, soaking the wood, stacking or sawing impregnated wood, treatment of frameworks in place), and grain during storage.