The employer declares the exposure of workers to one or more of the occupational risk factors mentioned in article L. 4163-1, in accordance with the risk assessment provided for in article L. 4121-3, with regard to the usual working conditions characterising the position occupied, assessed as an average over the year, in particular on the basis of the collective data mentioned in 1° of article R. 4121-1-1.
In order to draw up this declaration, the employer may use, where appropriate, the positions, professions or work situations defined in the extended collective branch agreement mentioned in II of article L. 4162-1 or, in the absence of this collective agreement, defined by the approved professional branch reference system mentioned in II of article L. 4163-2 and determining the exposure of workers to the occupational risk factors mentioned in article L. 4163-1, taking into account the collective and individual protection measures applied.
As part of the individual monitoring of the worker’s state of health, the health professional referred to in the first paragraph of article L. 4624-1 may ask the employer for the information he declares in application of article L. 4163-1. Where appropriate, this information shall be added to the worker’s occupational health medical file.