The provisions of the following articles are applicable to requests for vocational retraining projects:
1° Articles R. 6323-10, R. 6323-10-1, R. 6323-10-2 and R. 6323-10-4 relating to the procedures for requesting leave, with the exception of the seniority ground mentioned in IV of article R. 6323-10;
2° Article R. 6323-11 relating to the competence of the regional inter-professional joint committee;
3° Article R. 6323-12 relating to prior positioning, only if the professional retraining project provides for the completion of a training action mentioned in 1° of article L. 6313-1, under the conditions set out in article D. 4163-30-3;
4° Article R. 6323-13 relating to the documents to be sent;
5° Articles R. 6323-11-1 and R. 6323-14-1 relating to applications from employees on fixed-term contracts;
6° Article R. 6323-11-2 relating to applications from intermittent employees in the entertainment industry, with the exception of the length of service conditions referred to therein, which do not apply to the professional retraining project referred to in article L. 4163-7 ;
7° Article R. 6323-14-3 relating to the types of expenses covered;
8° Articles R. 6323-15 and R. 6323-16 relating to refusals to cover expenses;
9° Articles D. 6323-18-1 to D. 6323-18-4 relating to payment methods.