For the workers mentioned in 2° of V of article L. 4163-1, who are not likely to acquire rights under the professional prevention account under the conditions laid down in articles L. 4163-4 et seq. and who are exposed to risk factors under the conditions laid down in I of article L. 4163-1, with the exception of workers subject to monitoring of the effects of exposure to certain occupational risk factors approved by decree, the employer draws up an individual monitoring sheet indicating the occupational risk factors mentioned in this article to which they are exposed above the thresholds provided for in article D. 4163-2. The exposure of these workers is assessed in accordance with the risk assessment provided for in article L. 4121-3.
The employer gives this sheet to the worker at the end of each calendar year. He shall send it to the worker whose contract comes to an end during the calendar year, no later than the last day of the month following the date of the end of the contract.
The employer shall keep the exposure monitoring sheets for its employees by any means for a period of five years after the year to which they relate.
As part of the individual monitoring of the worker’s state of health, the health professional referred to in the first paragraph of article L. 4624-1 may ask the employer to provide the individual monitoring sheet. Where applicable, the individual monitoring sheet supplements the worker’s occupational health medical file.