The reimbursement to the general social security scheme of the sums representing the assumption of responsibility for the increased insurance periods referred to in 3° of I of article L. 4163-7 is equal, in respect of a calendar year, to the product of :
1° A lump sum corresponding to the amount of contributions paid, in application of I of article L. 351-14-1 of the Social Security Code, by an insured person aged 57 whose average annual wages and earned income, as defined in 3° of I of article D. 351-8 of the same code, is equal to 80% of the annual amount of the social security ceiling in force on 1st January of the calendar year in question, in order to validate a quarter taken into account in accordance with the terms and conditions defined in 1° of article D. 351-7 of the same code;
2° And the total number of additional insurance quarters acquired under the conditions provided for in article R. 4163-11 by holders of a professional prevention account, as communicated by the account manager.
These expenses are attached to the accounting year corresponding to the calendar year in which the decision was taken to allocate the points of the holders of a professional prevention account to an increase in the duration of old-age insurance.