The industry professional benchmark referred to in II of article L. 4163-2 is approved by a joint order of the ministers responsible for labour and social affairs after receiving the opinion of the Conseil d’orientation des conditions de travail.
It may only be drawn up by a professional organisation which is representative in the branch concerned, within the limits of its field of activity.
Only one reference framework may be drawn up for each branch or for each field of activity within a branch, and no other reference framework may be used in the same branch or in the same field of activity for the jobs, professions or work situations it identifies.
The reference system presents the impact of collective and individual protection measures on the exposure of workers to the occupational risk factors mentioned in Article L. 4163-1. With a view to examining the application for approval, it shall be accompanied by any data enabling the number of workers in the branch concerned exposed to the occupational risk factors mentioned in Article L. 4163-1 to be assessed in excess of the thresholds set in Article D. 4163-2.
The occupational reference framework for the branch is re-evaluated at intervals which it determines and which may not exceed five years.