The original minutes of the voting and counting operations with its appendices, the media files including the copy of the source programmes and executable programmes, the count, results and backup files, as well as the electoral documents mentioned in articles D. 4233-13, D. 4233-15 and D. 4233-15-1 are kept under seal, under the supervision of a national commission for the control of electronic voting operations, the composition of which is set by the electoral regulations, until the expiry of the time limits for appeals and, where legal action has been taken, until the final court decision.
The president of the polling station shall immediately send a copy of the minutes of the voting and counting operations to the Minister for Health and, in the case of elections to the Regional Councils of Section A, to the Directors General of the Regional Health Agencies.
Envelopes received after the close of the ballot shall be destroyed without being recorded or opened.