Articles R. 4113-4 to R. 4113-10, R. 4113-28 to R. 4113-33, R. 4113-109 to R. 4113-114, R. 4123-18 to R. 4123-21 and R. 4124-3 to R. 4124-3-9 are applicable to chiropodists subject to the following adaptations:
a) In the second paragraph of article R. 4124-3 and in the second paragraph of I of article R. 4124-3-5, the words: “of the departmental council or” are deleted;
b) In the second paragraph of article R. 4124-3-1, the words: “, the departmental council” are deleted;
c) In the third paragraph of article R. 4124-3-1, the words: “the departmental council or” are deleted;
d) In the first paragraph of article R. 4124-3-2, the words: “to the departmental council,” are deleted;
e) In the second paragraph of article R. 4124-3-2, the words: “, the departmental council” are deleted;
f) In the last paragraph of article R. 4124-3-2, the words “departmental councils” are replaced by the words “regional or inter-regional councils”;
g) The 1°, 2° and 3° of II of article R. 4124-3-5 are replaced by the following provisions:
“For chiropodists, the report is drawn up by three chiropodists appointed as experts, the first by the person concerned, the second by the regional or inter-regional council and the third by the first two experts. The latter is chosen from among professionals with competence in the field of training and analysis of professional practice in chiropody. ” ;
h) In articles R. 4113-4 to R. 4113-8, R. 4113-10, R. 4113-28 to R. 4113-30, R. 4113-32, R. 4113-33, R. 4123-18 to R. 4123-21, the words: “departmental council” are replaced by the words: “regional or inter-regional council”.