The annual contribution, before the deductions provided for in Articles L. 5212-10-1, L. 5212-11 and the third paragraph of Article L. 5212-9, is equal to the product of :
1° the number of disabled workers who are beneficiaries of the missing employment obligation, resulting from the difference between the number of beneficiaries of the employment obligation to be employed calculated in application of the provisions of article D. 5212-2 and the number of beneficiaries of the employment obligation employed calculated in application of the provisions of article D. 5212-3 ;
2° by the following amounts, determined according to the number of employees subject to the obligation:
a) 400 times the gross minimum hourly growth wage for companies with 20 to less than 250 employees ;
b) 500 times the gross minimum hourly growth wage for companies with between 250 and 750 employees;
c) 600 times the gross minimum hourly growth wage for companies with 750 or more employees.
The coefficient applicable according to the number of employees to which the company is subject, as mentioned in III of article R. 243-15 of the Social Security Code, corresponds to the amounts defined in 2°.
The applicable minimum gross hourly growth wage referred to in the second paragraph is the wage applicable on 31 December of the year in respect of which the contribution is due.