All applications for approval must be accompanied by the following documents:
1° A copy of the grouping’s Articles of Association and, where applicable, its rules of procedure;
2° Proof that the formalities required by the legislation in force for the creation and proper operation of the grouping have been carried out, depending on the legal form chosen;
3° A list of the persons who direct, manage or administer the grouping with, for each of them, an indication of their surname, forenames, date and place of birth, nationality, domicile, profession and the nature of the activity carried out in the grouping ;
4° For each of the directors, managers and administrators, a certificate to the effect that they have not been disqualified from carrying on a trade or profession, or prohibited from directing, managing, administering or controlling a legal entity or a sole proprietorship or craft business;
5° A certified copy of the insurance contract referred to in article D. 611-5;
6° The undertaking provided for in Article D. 611-5.