Public health care institutions may sell receivables at a discount, solely in respect of the income due to the institution by the health insurance scheme in respect of the valuation of activity provided for in the eighth paragraph of Article L. 162-22-6 and the second paragraph of Article L. 162-23-1 of the Social Security Code , provided that :
the establishment’s self-financing capacity is sufficient, on average over the previous three financial years, to cover the contractual capital repayment of the loans shown in the financing table mentioned in article R. 6145-13. Contractual capital repayment does not include early capital repayments;
-their working capital was positive over the previous three financial years;
-the average change in working capital over the previous three financial years is positive.
Institutions meeting the above criteria may contract a monthly receivables assignment amount corresponding to a maximum total outstanding receivables of forty-five days’ valuation of their products referred to in the first paragraph on the basis of the total for the last twelve months.