The minimum number of meetings, which may not be less than four per year, and, subject to the following provisions, the procedures for convening meetings and the rules governing the operation of the Board of Directors are set out in the school’s internal regulations.
The Board of Directors meets when convened by its Chairman. The agenda is drawn up by the Chairman and sent, except in emergencies, at least seven days in advance to all members of the Board of Directors and to those who attend in an advisory capacity.
In urgent cases, the Chairman may shorten the notice period, but this may not be less than one clear day. The Chairman shall report to the Board of Directors, which shall take a final decision on the urgency of the matter and may decide to defer all or part of the discussion to a later meeting.
A meeting may be convened at the written request of at least half of its members, or of the Director General of the Regional Health Agency. In this case, the meeting must be convened within a maximum period of seven days and the Chairman is required to include on the agenda the issue(s) that gave rise to the request for a meeting.
The Chairman is responsible for policing the meeting and may suspend or adjourn the meeting. In this case, the Board of Directors must be reconvened within fifteen days.
Secretarial services are provided by the Chief Executive Officer.