The exceptions to the upper age limit provided for in article L. 6222-2, apply under the following conditions:
1° For the derogations provided for in 1° and 2°, the age of the apprentice at the time the contract is signed is no more than thirty-five years;
2° For the derogations provided for in 1° and 2°, the apprenticeship contract must be signed within a maximum of one year after the expiry of the previous contract;
3° For the derogation provided for in 2°, the causes beyond the apprentice’s control leading to the termination of the apprenticeship contract are as follows:
a) The employer ceases trading;
b) The employer is at fault or repeatedly fails to fulfil its obligations;
c) Implementation of the procedure for suspending performance of the apprenticeship contract, as provided for in articles L. 6225-4 et seq;
4° In the event of the apprentice’s temporary physical unfitness, as determined in accordance with the conditions laid down in article L. 6222-18.