The emergency care teaching centre, the medical or health training and research unit or the Val-de-Grâce School authorises the trainers authorised to provide training to obtain the certificate of training in emergency first aid, known as “AFGSU trainers”. As part of their accreditation, these trainers may only teach the content of the levels 1 and 2 emergency first aid training certificate, in accordance with their professional skills reference framework.
Trainers known as “AFGSU trainers” are trained by emergency care teaching centres, medical or health training and research units or the Ecole du Val-de-Grâce, which issue each trainer with an accreditation certificate for training in emergency first aid, valid for four years. Training sessions must be scheduled to meet the needs identified, in particular by training institutes preparing for a diploma with a view to practising a health profession.
The emergency care teaching centre, the medical or health training and research unit or the Val-de-Grâce School issues certificates of training in emergency first aid, whether the centre, unit or school has provided the training or whether it has been provided by a training structure that has signed an agreement with the centre, unit or school, under conditions defined by order of the Minister of Health.
The emergency care teaching centre, the medical or health training and research unit or the Val-de-Grâce School is responsible for the educational quality of this training, in accordance with the guidelines defined by order of the Minister for Health.
The certificates mentioned in this article are issued on completion of the training course and may not be subject to the payment of any stamp duty.