I.-In a commune, one tenth of the electors registered on the electoral roll and, in other territorial communities, one twentieth of the electors, may request that the organisation of a consultation on any matter falling within the decision of that assembly be placed on the agenda of the deliberative assembly of the community.
Each quarter, an elector may sign only one request for the organisation of a consultation by the same local authority.
The request is addressed to the mayor or the president of the deliberative assembly. He acknowledges receipt of the request and informs the municipal council or the deliberative assembly at the first meeting following its receipt.
The organiser or organisers of a request for a consultation in a territorial authority other than the municipality are required to provide the executive body of that authority with a copy of the electoral rolls of the municipalities in which the authors of the request are registered.
The decision to organise the consultation lies with the deliberative assembly of the territorial authority.
II.-A matter may be referred to a regional or local authority, under the conditions set out in the first three paragraphs of I, in order to invite its deliberative assembly to take a decision on a specific matter.
The decision to deliberate on the matter referred to the regional or local authority rests with the municipal council or the deliberative assembly.