The following may not be seized
1° Property that the law declares unseizable;
2° Property that the law renders non-transferable unless otherwise provided for;
3° Provisions, sums and pensions of a maintenance nature, except for the payment of maintenance already provided by the distrainor to the distrained party;
4° Disposable assets declared unseizable by the testator or donor, unless authorised by the judge, and, for the portion he determines, by creditors subsequent to the deed of gift or the opening of the legacy;
5° Movable assets necessary for the life and work of the distrainee and his family, other than for payment of their price, within the limits set by decree by the Conseil d’Etat and subject to the provisions of 6°. They may, however, be seized if they are located in a place other than that where the distrainee usually lives or works, if they are valuable items, in particular due to their size, material, rarity, age or luxurious nature, if they lose their necessity due to their quantity or if they constitute tangible elements of a business;
6° The movable property mentioned in 5°, even for payment of their price, when they are the property of beneficiaries of child welfare benefits provided for in articles L. 222-1 to L. 222-7 of the Code de l’action sociale et des familles;
7° Items essential for disabled people or intended for the care of sick people.