It is compulsory to file the provisional or definitive title of a cinematographic work intended for public performance in France with the public film and audiovisual register. Unless otherwise stipulated, registration is optional for audiovisual works.
The deposit of the title is made at the request of the producer or his representative, who submits in support a copy of the contract or a simple declaration from the author(s) of the original work from which the cinematographic or audiovisual work has been taken or their successors in title, justifying the authorisation to make the said work based on the original work and specifying the period for which authorisation to exploit it is granted. The Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée assigns a serial number to the cinematographic or audiovisual work whose title is registered in this way.
If the producer of a cinematographic work fails to register, he may be given formal notice to do so by the persons entitled to request registration of an act, agreement or judgement listed in article L. 123-1, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. If the producer has not filed within one month of receipt of the formal notice, he may be required to do so by the aforementioned persons, if necessary under penalty.