When a mass redundancy carried out by a company with at least fifty employees which is not subject to the obligation to offer redeployment leave affects, by its scale, the balance of the employment area or areas in which it is located, the administrative authority, after having, where applicable, prescribed a social and territorial impact study taking into account the observations made by the company concerned, intervenes to facilitate the implementation of actions likely to enable the development of new activities and mitigate the effects of the planned restructuring on the other companies in the employment area or areas. The administrative authority intervenes in consultation with the bodies participating or contributing to the public employment service mentioned in articles L. 5311-2 et seq. and, where applicable, with the employment centre(s).
The company and the administrative authority define by mutual agreement the terms and conditions under which the company takes part, where applicable, in these actions, taking into account in particular its financial situation and the number of jobs lost.
The provisions of the second paragraph do not apply to companies in receivership or compulsory liquidation.