The Agence de la biomédecine draws up an annual activity report which is made public and which it sends to Parliament, which refers it to the Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Choices, to the Government and to the National Consultative Ethics Committee for Life Sciences and Health.
This report sets out the main developments in knowledge and techniques for the activities within its remit and in the field of neuroscience.
It also includes:
1° An analysis of the authorisations and approvals granted under 10° and 11° of article L. 1418-1 as well as the opinions of the Orientation Council;
2° An assessment of the state of progress of embryo and embryonic stem cell research, including a comparison with research on adult stem cells, induced pluripotent cells and cells from cord blood, umbilical cord and placenta, as well as a comparison with international research;
3° A report on the implementation of pre-implantation and prenatal diagnostics;
4° A report on any trafficking in organs or gametes and measures to combat such trafficking.
Subject to the application of the second and third paragraphs of Article 48 of the Constitution, this report shall be debated in each parliamentary assembly during a week’s sitting reserved for the scrutiny of the Government’s action and the evaluation of public policies.