Territorial master plans for digital development list the existing electronic communications infrastructures and networks, identify the areas they serve and present a strategy for developing these networks, with priority given to very high-speed fixed and mobile networks, including satellite, to ensure coverage of the territory concerned. These plans, which are indicative in nature, are intended to promote the coherence of public initiatives and their proper coordination with private investment.
They may include a strategy for the development of digital uses and services. This strategy aims to promote a balanced supply of digital services across the region, as well as the establishment of shared public and private resources, including digital mediation. In particular, it may include a section devoted to the contribution of local authorities and their groupings to the management of the reference data referred to in II of article L. 321-4 of the Code des relations entre le public et l’administration (Code of relations between the public and the administration), as well as a section outlining actions aimed at reinforcing the IT security of public services, in particular by training staff in IT security. When the territory covered by a territorial master plan for digital development includes mountain areas, within the meaning of law no. 85-30 of 9 January 1985 on the development and protection of mountains, the preparation of this strategy is mandatory.
A territorial master plan for digital development covers the territory of one or more departments or a region. Within the same territory, the master plan is unique. It shall be drawn up at the initiative of the local authorities, by the departments or region concerned or by a joint association or association of municipalities, existing or created for this purpose, whose perimeter covers the entire territory covered by the plan, taking into account in particular the information provided for in article L. 33-7 of the French Post and Electronic Communications Code.
The public bodies intending to draw up the master plan shall inform the local authorities or groups of local authorities concerned and the Autorité de régulation des communications électroniques, des postes et de la distribution de la presse, which shall make this information public. The electronic communications operators, the representative of the State in the departments or region concerned, the organising authorities mentioned in article L. 2224-31 and in the second paragraph of article L. 2224-11-6 and the other local authorities or groups of local authorities concerned are involved, at their request, in drawing up the master plan. The same procedure applies when the public bodies that drew up the master plan intend to develop it.
As an exception to the seventh paragraph of Article L. 4251-1 and when the territory of the region has only one territorial master plan for digital development drawn up by the regional council, this master plan may be integrated into the regional plan for spatial planning, sustainable development and territorial equality provided for in the same Article L. 4251-1. Where the territory of the region is covered by several territorial master plans for digital development, the public bodies that drew them up and the region shall jointly define a strategy for digital development of the regional territory under the conditions set out in the fourth paragraph.
Where the territory of the region is covered by several territorial master plans for digital development, the region, départements, municipalities or their groupings concerned shall jointly integrate them within a common strategy for digital development of the territory. This strategy may be included in the regional plan for spatial planning, sustainable development and territorial equality.
A framework document entitled “National guidelines for the development of digital uses and services in the territories” is drawn up, updated and monitored by the competent State authority. This framework document includes a presentation of strategic choices likely to contribute to the balanced development of digital uses and services in the territories and a methodological guide relating to the preparation of strategies for the development of digital uses and services mentioned in the second paragraph of this article.