Notwithstanding the provisions of article L. 1431-6, the situation of the director of the public establishment for cultural or environmental cooperation is governed by the following provisions.
The director of the public establishment for cultural or environmental cooperation is appointed by the chairman of the board of directors, on a proposal from this board and after drawing up specifications, for a term of office of three to five years, renewable for three-year periods, from a list of candidates drawn up by mutual agreement by the public bodies represented on this board, after a call for applications and in the light of artistic, cultural, educational, environmental or scientific policy projects.
The director is given a fixed-term contract for a period equal to the duration of his or her term of office. When the term of office is renewed, after approval by the Board of Directors of the new project presented by the Director, the Director’s contract is expressly renewed for a term equivalent to the term of office.
A joint order of the Minister responsible for local authorities and, depending on the case, the Minister responsible for culture or the Minister responsible for the environment, sets the list of categories of establishments for which the director must belong to a body or job category of civil servants qualified to manage these establishments or, failing this, hold a diploma in accordance with the procedures set out in this order. The latter also determines the conditions under which a candidate may, at his or her request, be exempted from holding a diploma and his or her professional experience be recognised by an assessment commission.
The director of a public cultural cooperation establishment providing higher education under the authority of the ministry responsible for culture issues the national diplomas that this establishment has been authorised to issue.