The fund’s resources are made up of :
1° An allocation from the compulsory basic health insurance schemes, the amount of which is set each year by order of the Minister for Social Security, based on the national health insurance expenditure target. The amount of this allocation takes into account changes of any kind as a result of which health or medico-social establishments, services or activities are placed, in whole or in part, under a different legal or funding regime from that under which they were previously placed, in particular changes relating to conversions of activity. It may be revised at the end of the year to take into account changes made during the year and transfers decided in application of Article L. 174-1-2 of the Social Security Code;
2° (Repealed) ;
3° Where applicable, a grant from the Caisse nationale de solidarité pour l’autonomie ;
4° Where applicable, any other grant or subsidy provided for by legislative or regulatory provisions.
The fund’s resources include :
a) Credits intended for the financing of actions aimed at health promotion, health education, disease and trauma prevention and health safety, which cannot be allocated to the financing of care activities or medico-social care and support ;
b) Credits intended to finance the prevention of disabilities and loss of autonomy, as well as the financing of care and support for disabled or dependent elderly people, which cannot be allocated to the financing of care activities.