On pain of nullity, the deliberations of the board of directors or supervisory board and general meetings of local semi-public companies are communicated within one month of their adoption to the representative of the State in the department where the company’s registered office is located. This communication may be made electronically or by any other means that can be shown to be of a certain date. Articles L. 235-2 to L. 235-14 of the Commercial Code, except where they are contrary to this chapter, shall apply to the nullity provided for in this paragraph.
The same shall apply to the contracts referred to in Article L. 1523-2, as well as the annual accounts and the auditor’s reports.
On pain of nullity, the agreement of the representative of a local authority, a grouping or a public health establishment, a public social or medico-social establishment or a health cooperation grouping on the modification relating to the corporate purpose, the composition of the capital or the structures of the governing bodies of a local semi-public company may not be given without prior deliberation by its deliberative assembly approving the modification. The draft amendment is appended to the deliberation sent to the State representative and submitted for legality control under the conditions provided for in articles L. 2131-2, L. 3131-2, L. 4141-2, L. 5211-3, L. 5421-2 and L. 5721-4.