Local authorities and their groupings may create, within the framework of the powers assigned to them by law, local public companies in which they hold all the capital.
These companies are competent to carry out development operations within the meaning of the article L. 300-1 of the town planning code, construction operations or to operate industrial or commercial public services or any other activities of general interest. Where the object of these companies includes several activities, these must be complementary. These companies carry out their activities exclusively on behalf of their shareholders and within the territory of the local authorities and groupings of local authorities that are their members. They may also carry out their activities on behalf of a local public development company of national interest over which at least one of their members exercises control similar to that which it exercises over its own departments.
These companies take the form of a société anonyme governed by Book II of the French Commercial Code.
Subject, in the case of States that are not members of the European Union, to the conclusion of a prior agreement between France and the States concerned, foreign local authorities and their groupings may participate in the capital of local public companies whose corporate purpose complies with the second paragraph of this article. They may not, however, together or separately, hold more than half of the capital or voting rights in the deliberative bodies.
Subject to the provisions of this article, local public companies are subject to Title II of this book.