The securities account is opened, or the entry is made in a shared electronic recording device, in the name of one or more account holders who are the owners of the financial securities held in the account.
By way of derogation, the securities account may be opened or, in the cases mentioned in 1 and 3 below, the entry in a shared electronic recording device may be made:
1. In the name of a fonds commun de placement, a fonds de placement immobilier, a fonds professionnel de placement immobilier, a fonds de financement spécialisé, or a fonds commun de titrisation, where the name of the fund may be validly substituted for that of all the co-owners;
2. In the name of a registered intermediary acting on behalf of the owner of the financial securities, as referred to in the seventh paragraph of Article L. 228-1 of the French Commercial Code and under the conditions set out in that Code;
3. In the name of a registered intermediary acting on behalf of one or more owners of units or shares in collective investment undertakings, where such owners are not domiciled in France within the meaning of article 102 of the Civil Code.
Registered intermediaries are required to declare their status as intermediaries holding securities on behalf of others when they open a securities account or register with a shared electronic registration system.
A decree shall specify the terms and conditions of application of this paragraph 3.