Subject to the compatibility of their workstation, local councillors are deemed to fall within the category of persons who have, where applicable, the most favourable access to teleworking in the exercise of their employment.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Legislative part | PART TWO: THE MUNICIPALITY | BOOK I: ORGANISATION OF THE COMMUNE | TITLE II: BODIES OF THE MUNICIPALITY | CHAPTER III : Conditions for exercising municipal mandates | Section 1: Guarantees granted to holders of municipal mandates | Subsection 1: Guarantees granted in the exercise of the mandate | Article L2123-1-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
Subject to the compatibility of their workstation, local councillors are deemed to fall within the category of persons who have, where applicable, the most favourable access to teleworking in the exercise of their employment.
Sous réserve de la compatibilité de son poste de travail, le conseiller municipal est réputé relever de la catégorie de personnes qui disposent, le cas échéant, de l’accès le plus favorable au télétravail dans l’exercice de leur emploi.
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