I. – Notwithstanding the third paragraph of Article L. 214-24-29 and the first paragraph of Article L. 214-24-34, the fund rules or the articles of association of the specialised professional fund shall stipulate the terms and conditions for the issue, subscription, transfer and redemption of units or shares.
The fund rules or the articles of association of the specialised professional fund shall specify the net asset value below which the fund shall be dissolved.
Notwithstanding Articles L. 214-24-55 and L. 214-24-56, the fund rules or the articles of association of the specialised professional fund shall lay down the investment and commitment rules.
The fund rules or the articles of association of the specialised professional fund shall specify the terms and conditions under which they may be amended. Failing this, any amendment requires the unanimous agreement of the shareholders or unit-holders.
The fund rules or articles of association may provide for units or shares giving rise to different rights to all or part of the fund’s assets or income.
The management company or the fund which has not delegated its management globally may distribute a portion of the assets under the conditions laid down in the fund rules or articles of association.
II. – Notwithstanding 1° of article L. 214-24-31, the fund rules or articles of association of a specialised professional fund may provide for the units or shares subscribed to be paid up in instalments. These units or shares are registered. When units or shares are transferred, the subscriber and successive transferees are jointly and severally liable for the amount not paid up. If a unit-holder or shareholder fails to pay up the outstanding amounts of the units or shares held at the times set by the management company and, where applicable, by the SICAV, the management company will send them formal notice. One month after this formal notice has been sent, and if it has remained without effect, the management company and, where applicable, the SICAV may, ipso jure, sell these units or shares or, under the conditions laid down in the Articles of Association or the fund rules of the specialised professional fund, suspend the right to payment of the distributable sums referred to in article L. 214-24-51. After payment of the sums due, in principal and interest, the shareholder or unit-holder may request payment of any distributable sums not time-barred.
The fund rules or the articles of association of the specialised professional fund may provide that in the event of liquidation of the fund, a portion of the assets shall be allocated to the management company or to a third party in accordance with the conditions laid down in the fund rules or the articles of association.
III. – By way of derogation from article L. 214-24-32, a specialised professional investment company may include approval clauses or non-transferability clauses in its articles of association.