Under the conditions laid down in the general regulations of the Autorité des marchés financiers, AIFs or their management companies shall ensure that the valuation function is performed by :
1° An external valuation expert, who is either a natural person or a legal entity independent of the AIF or its management company and of any other person with close links to the AIF or the management company;
2° The AIF or its management company, provided that:
a) That the valuation task is functionally independent of portfolio management on behalf of third parties and of collective investments, and of the remuneration policy ;
b) they adopt measures to ensure that there are no conflicts of interest and no influence on the employees of the management company.
The depositary appointed for an AIF may only be appointed as the external valuation expert for that AIF if it has functionally and hierarchically separated the performance of its depositary duties from its external valuation duties and that potential conflicts of interest are identified, managed, monitored and disclosed to the unit-holders or shareholders of the AIF in an appropriate manner.