In municipalities with a population of 80,000 or more, the municipal council determines the perimeter of each of the neighbourhoods making up the municipality.
Each neighbourhood has a neighbourhood council, the name, composition and operating procedures of which are determined by the municipal council.
The district councils may be consulted by the mayor and may make proposals to him on any issue concerning the district or the town. The mayor may involve them in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of actions of interest to the district, in particular those carried out under city policy.
The town council may allocate premises to the neighbourhood councils and allocate funds to them each year for their operation.
Municipalities with a population of between 20,000 and 79,999 may apply these provisions. In this case, articles L. 2122-2-1 et L. 2122-18-1 s’appliquent.
In each commune subject to the obligation to create a neighbourhood council, the mayor may decide that the citizen council provided for in Article 7 of Law no. 2014-173 of 21 February 2014 on programming for the city and urban cohesion replaces the neighbourhood council.