Municipalities, the Lyon metropolitan area or public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation are responsible, possibly in conjunction with the départements and regions, for the collection and treatment of household waste.
Municipalities may transfer to a public establishment for inter-municipal cooperation or to a mixed syndicate either the entire responsibility for the collection and treatment of household waste, or the part of this responsibility that includes treatment, as well as the related transport operations. Transport, transit or grouping operations at the interface between collection and treatment may be included in either of these two tasks.
At the request of municipalities and public establishments for inter-municipal cooperation that so wish, the department may be given responsibility for treatment and related transport operations. Transport, transit or grouping operations at the interface between collection and treatment may be included in either of these two tasks. The department and the municipality or public establishment for inter-municipal cooperation shall determine by agreement the terms and conditions, in particular the financial terms and conditions, for the transfer of the assets required to carry out the part of the service entrusted to the department and shall specify the facilities for which project management is entrusted to the department.
Local authorities and their groupings responsible for the collection and treatment of household waste are obliged to allow, by contract or agreement, legal entities involved in the social, solidarity and circular economy that so request to use communal waste collection centres as places for the occasional recovery and reprocessing of items in good condition or that can be repaired. Waste collection centres are required to provide a drop-off area for products that can be reused.