The company may not own, directly or through a person acting in its own name but on behalf of the company, more than 10% of its total own shares, nor more than 10% of a given class. These shares must be held in registered form, with the exception of shares bought back to promote the liquidity of the company’s shares, and must be fully paid up at the time of acquisition. Failing this, the members of the Board of Directors or the Management Board, as the case may be, are required, under the conditions set out in Article L. 225-251 and the first paragraph of Article L. 225-256 to pay up the shares.
The acquisition of shares in the company may not have the effect of reducing shareholders’ equity to an amount less than that of the capital plus undistributable reserves.
The company must have reserves, other than the legal reserve, in an amount at least equal to the value of all the shares it owns.
Shares owned by the company are not entitled to dividends and are deprived of voting rights.
In the event of a capital increase by subscription of shares for cash, the company may not exercise preferential subscription rights on its own. The General Meeting may decide not to take these shares into account when determining the preferential subscription rights attached to the other shares. Failing this, the rights attached to the shares owned by the company must, before the end of the subscription period, either be sold on the stock exchange or divided between the shareholders in proportion to the rights of each.