Non-voting preference shares may be created by a capital increase or by conversion of ordinary shares already issued. They may be converted into ordinary shares.
Non-voting preferred shares may not represent more than one quarter of the share capital. Their par value is equal to that of the ordinary shares or, where applicable, the ordinary shares of one of the classes previously issued by the company.
Holders of non-voting preference shares enjoy the rights granted to other shareholders, with the exception of the right to participate and vote, on behalf of these shares, at general meetings of the company’s shareholders.
In the event of the creation of non-voting preference shares through the conversion of ordinary shares already issued or in the event of the conversion of non-voting preference shares into ordinary shares, the Extraordinary General Meeting determines the maximum number of shares to be converted and sets the terms of conversion on the basis of a special report by the Statutory Auditor. Its decision is final only after approval by the special meetings provided for in articles L. 228-35-6 and L. 228-103.
The conversion offer is made at the same time and in proportion to their share in the share capital to all shareholders, with the exception of the persons mentioned in article L. 228-35-8. The Extraordinary General Meeting sets the period during which shareholders may accept the conversion offer.
As an exception to article L. 225-99, the Articles of Association or the issue contract may provide that the decision by the Extraordinary General Meeting to convert non-voting preference shares into ordinary shares shall not be binding on the holders of such shares.