In companies subject to the obligation to set up a works council pursuant to article L. 2322-1 of the Labour Code and which, at the end of the last financial year, fell into the category of small and medium-sized enterprises within the meaning of article 51 of law no. 2008-776 of 4 August 2008 on the modernisation of the economy, when it wishes to sell a holding representing more than 50% of the shares in a limited liability company or shares or securities giving access to the majority of the capital in a joint stock company, the owner of the holding notifies the company of its wish to sell.
At the latest at the same time as it proceeds, pursuant to article L. 2323-33 of the Labour Code, to the information and consultation of the works council, the head of the company shall bring to the attention of the employees the notification provided for in the first paragraph of this article and shall inform them that they may submit a purchase offer to him.
The head of the undertaking shall notify the owner without delay of any offer to purchase made by an employee.
When the shareholding is held by the head of the company, he notifies the employees of his wish to sell directly, informing them that they may present him with an offer to purchase.
Where a liability action is brought, the court hearing the case may, at the request of the public prosecutor, impose a civil fine of up to 2% of the amount of the sale.
In the event of concomitant absences of the works council and staff delegate, recorded in accordance with articles L. 2324-8 and L. 2314-5 of the Labour Code, the sale is subject to Articles L. 23-10-1 to L. 23-10-6 of this code.