I. – The task of the Social and Economic Committee is to ensure that employees are able to express their views collectively so that their interests are taken into account on an ongoing basis in decisions relating to the management and economic and financial development of the company, the organisation of work, vocational training and production techniques, particularly with regard to the environmental consequences of these decisions.
II. – The Committee is informed and consulted on issues relating to the organisation, management and general running of the company, in particular on:
1° Measures likely to affect the size or structure of the workforce;
2° Changes to the economic or legal organisation of the company;
3° Employment and working conditions, in particular working hours, and vocational training;
4° The introduction of new technologies, any major changes to health and safety conditions or working conditions;
5° Measures taken with a view to facilitating the entry, return or continued employment of people injured in the course of work, war invalids, civilian invalids, people suffering from chronic progressive illnesses and disabled workers, particularly with regard to the adaptation of workstations.
III. – The committee is informed and consulted on the environmental consequences of the measures mentioned in II of this article.
IV. – The social and economic committee set up in undertakings with at least fifty employees also exercises the powers provided for in section 2.