Non-tax revenue from the operating section may include:
1° Proceeds from the fee for the removal of household refuse from camping sites, the special fee or the fee for the removal of refuse, waste and residues;
2° Proceeds from the parking fee provided for in article L. 2333-87;
3° Le produit des péages communaux, des droits de pesage, mesurage et jaugeage;
4° Le produit de la redevance d’usage des abattoirs publics prévue par l’article L. 2333-1;
5° Le produit des taxes d’affouage, de pâturage et de tourbage;
6° (Abrogated);
7° Le produit de la contribution spéciale imposée aux entrepreneurs ou propriétaires en cas de dégradation de la voie publique;
8° Le produit des permis de stationnement et de location sur la voie publique, sur les rivières, ports et quais fluviaux et autres lieux publics ;
9° The proceeds of port dues collected in accordance with the provisions of Book II of the Maritime Ports Code relating to port and navigation dues;
10° The proceeds of road dues and other legally established dues;
11° Proceeds from the fee for access to dedicated Nordic sites for marked cross-country skiing and snow recreation other than downhill skiing;
12° Gifts and bequests in cash except those referred to in 6° of Article L. 2331-8 ;
13° Subsidies and contributions from third parties to operating expenses;
14° Proceeds corresponding to the recovery of equipment subsidies received;
15° Reimbursement of expenses incurred during rescue operations following the practice of any sporting or leisure activity. This contribution, which the communes may demand without prejudice to the provisions applicable to regulated activities, from the interested parties or their beneficiaries, may relate to all or part of the expenses and is carried out under the conditions determined by the communes ;
The communes are required to inform the public of the conditions of application of the first paragraph of this 15° on their territory, by appropriate posting in the town hall and, where applicable, in all places where instructions relating to safety are posted;
16° La dotation de compensation de la réforme de la taxe professionnelle;
17° Le produit de la neutralisation des dotations aux amortissements des subventions d’équipement versées.