The flat-rate tourist tax is payable by landlords, hoteliers and owners who accommodate the persons mentioned in article L. 2333-29 for consideration as well as by other intermediaries when these persons receive the amount of rent due to them.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Legislative part | PART TWO: THE MUNICIPALITY | BOOK III: MUNICIPAL FINANCES | TITLE III: REVENUE | CHAPTER III : Taxes, fees or payments not provided for in the General Tax Code | Section 6: Taxes specific to resorts | Subsection 1: Tourist tax and flat-rate tourist tax | Paragraph 4: Basis and rate of the flat-rate tourist tax | Article L2333-40 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The flat-rate tourist tax is payable by landlords, hoteliers and owners who accommodate the persons mentioned in article L. 2333-29 for consideration as well as by other intermediaries when these persons receive the amount of rent due to them.
La taxe de séjour forfaitaire est due par les logeurs, les hôteliers et les propriétaires qui hébergent les personnes mentionnées à l’article L. 2333-29 à titre onéreux ainsi que par les autres intermédiaires lorsque ces personnes reçoivent le montant des loyers qui leur sont dus.
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