Subject to the provisions of the second paragraph of Article L. 2352-13, the managers of each of the participating companies and the special negotiating body negotiate with a view to reaching an agreement which determines :
1° The participating companies, establishments and subsidiaries concerned by the agreement ;
2° The composition, number of members and allocation of seats of the representative body which is the interlocutor of the management body of the European Company for the purposes of informing and consulting the employees of the European Company and its subsidiaries or establishments;
3° The powers and the procedure laid down for the information and consultation of the representative body;
4° The frequency of meetings of the representative body;
5° The financial and material resources to be allocated to the representative body;
6° The terms and conditions for implementing information and consultation procedures where these have been instituted, by agreement between the parties, in place of a representative body;
7° The date of entry into force of the agreement and its duration, the cases in which the agreement must be renegotiated and the procedure for its renegotiation.