The articles L. 2123-34 and L. 2123-35 are applicable to the communes of French Polynesia in their wording resulting from Act no. 2019-1461 of 27 December 2019 on involvement in local life and the proximity of public action.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French General Code of Local Authorities | Legislative part | PART TWO: THE MUNICIPALITY | BOOK V: SPECIAL PROVISIONS | TITLE VII: MUNICIPALITIES IN OVERSEAS COLLECTIVITIES | CHAPTER III: Communes of French Polynesia | Section 2: Organisation of the commune | Subsection 2: Bodies of the commune | Paragraph 3: Conditions for holding municipal office | Article L2573-10 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The articles L. 2123-34 and L. 2123-35 are applicable to the communes of French Polynesia in their wording resulting from Act no. 2019-1461 of 27 December 2019 on involvement in local life and the proximity of public action.
Les articles L. 2123-34 et L. 2123-35 sont applicables aux communes de la Polynésie française dans leur rédaction résultant de la loi n° 2019-1461 du 27 décembre 2019 relative à l’engagement dans la vie locale et à la proximité de l’action publique.
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