Legal entities held criminally liable, under the conditions set out in article 121-2 of the French Penal Code, for the offences defined in articles L. 3515-3 and L. 3515-4, in addition to the fine, the maximum rate of which is defined in accordance with the procedures set out in article 131-38 of the French Penal Code, are liable to:
1° The suppression, removal or confiscation of the prohibited advertising at the offenders’ expense;
2° In the event of a repeat offence, a ban, for a period of up to five years, on the sale of the products that were the subject of the illegal operation.
In the event of prosecution, the cessation of advertising may be ordered either at the request of the public prosecutor or ex officio by the examining magistrate or the court hearing the case. The measure thus taken is enforceable notwithstanding any means of appeal. It may be lifted by the court that ordered it or that is seized of the case. The measure ceases to have effect in the event of a decision to dismiss or acquit.
Decisions on applications for release may be appealed to the Investigating Chamber or to the Court of Appeal, depending on whether they were handed down by an investigating judge or by the court hearing the case.