Article L. 3136-1 is applicable in New Caledonia and French Polynesia in the version resulting from Law no. 2022-1089 of 30 July 2022 putting an end to the exceptional regimes created to combat the epidemic linked to covid-19, subject to the following adaptations:
1° The first paragraph is not applicable;
2° In the second and last paragraphs, the reference to article L. 3131-1 is deleted;
2° bis After the third paragraph, the following paragraph is inserted:
“By way of derogation from article 850 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, contraventions of regulations applicable locally in order to prevent and limit the consequences for public health of serious health threats which are punishable only by a fine may be subject to the fixed fine procedure provided for in article 529 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. “
3° In the fifth paragraph, the reference toArticle L. 521-1 of the Internal Security Code is replaced, for New Caledonia, by the reference to Article L. 546-5 of the same code.