I. – A metropolitan region and the départements of which it is composed may, by concurring deliberations of their deliberative assemblies, adopted by a majority of three-fifths of the votes cast, request to merge into a single territorial authority exercising their respective powers. The request for modification is placed on the agenda of the departmental council, notwithstanding articles L. 3121-9 and L. 3121-10, and of the Regional Council, notwithstanding articles L. 4132-8 and L. 4132-9, on the initiative of at least 5% of their members.
Where the territory concerned includes mountain areas delimited in accordance with the article 3 of the aforementioned law no. 85-30 of 9 January 1985, the relevant massif committees are consulted on the merger project. Their opinion is deemed to be favourable if they have not given their opinion within four months of notification by the State representative in the region of the decisions of the regional council and the departmental councils concerned.
II. – (Repealed)
III. – The merger of the region and its constituent départements into a single territorial authority is decided by law, which determines its organisation and the conditions of its administration.