The Autorité des marchés financiers shall not impose more restrictive limits than those provided for in Article L. 420-11, unless, exceptionally, such limits are objectively justified and proportionate having regard to the liquidity of the specific market and in the interests of the orderly functioning of the market.
The AMF publishes details of the more restrictive position limits it imposes on its website. These limits apply for an initial period of no more than six months from the date of their publication on the website. The more restrictive position limits may be renewed for periods not exceeding six months at a time, if the circumstances justifying them continue. More restrictive position limits that are not renewed at the end of each six-month period expire automatically.
The Autorité des marchés financiers shall notify the European Securities and Markets Authority of any more restrictive position limits it imposes. The notification shall contain the reasons for the imposition of the more restrictive position limits.
If the Autorité des marchés financiers imposes limits contrary to an opinion issued by the European Securities and Markets Authority, it shall immediately publish a statement on its website explaining in detail the reasons for its action.