I.-For agricultural products or food products comprising one or more agricultural products, where the indicators listed in the ninth paragraph of III of Article L. 631-24 and in Articles L. 631-24-1 et L. 631-24-3 of the French Rural and Maritime Fishing Code or, where applicable, any other available indicators, including those drawn up by the Observatoire de la formation des prix et des marges des produits alimentaires, the general terms and conditions of sale referred to in article L. 441-1 of this code, as well as the agreements mentioned in articles L. 441-3, L. 441-4, L. 441-7, L. 443-2 and L. 443-8 refer to them and explain the conditions under which they are taken into account when determining prices.
II.Any breach of the provisions of I is punishable by an administrative fine of up to €75,000 for an individual and up to €375,000 for a legal entity.
The maximum fine incurred is increased to €150,000 for an individual and €750,000 for a legal entity in the event of a repeat breach within two years of the date on which the first penalty decision became final.