The obligations set out in Article L. 451-1-2 do not apply to the following issuers:
1° The States party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area and their local authorities;
2° The European Central Bank and the central banks of the States mentioned in 1° ;
3° International public bodies of which one of the States mentioned in 1° is a member;
4° Issuers of debt securities unconditionally and irrevocably guaranteed by the State or by a French local authority;
5° Entities issuing only debt securities admitted to trading on a regulated market, with a denomination per unit of at least €100,000 or, in the case of debt securities denominated in a currency other than the euro, with a denomination per unit equivalent to at least €100,000 on the date of issue;
6° The European Financial Stability Facility established by the Framework Agreement of 9 May 2010 and the European Stability Mechanism established by the Treaty signed in Brussels on 2 February 2012 and any other mechanism established with a view to safeguarding the financial stability of the European Monetary Union by providing temporary financial assistance to Member States whose currency is the euro.