Loans and exposures referred to in Article L. 513-2 and similar receivables are assigned to a société de crédit foncier simply by delivering a slip to the assignee, the details of which are set by decree. Notwithstanding the opening of any safeguard, receivership or liquidation proceedings against the assignor subsequent to the assignment, the assignment takes effect between the parties and becomes enforceable against third parties on the date entered on the slip when it is delivered, regardless of the date on which the claims arose, fall due or are payable, without the need for any other formality, and regardless of the law applicable to the claims and the law of the debtors’ country of residence. The transfer of the slip automatically entails the transfer of the securities, guarantees and accessories attached to each loan and each exposure, including mortgage securities, and its enforceability against third parties without the need for any other formality.
Where the receivables arise from a leasing contract, the occurrence of insolvency, receivership or liquidation proceedings against the assigning lessor during the term of the contract may not call into question the continuation of the leasing contract.