Adapted companies contribute to regional development and promote an inclusive economic environment favourable to women and men with disabilities.
They enter into employment contracts with workers recognised as disabled by the Commission for the Rights and Autonomy of Disabled People mentioned in article L. 241-5 of the Code of Social Action and Families who are unemployed or at risk of losing their job due to their disability. They enable their employees to carry out a professional activity in an environment adapted to their abilities, so that they can obtain or keep a job.
These companies employ a minimum and maximum proportion, set by decree, of workers recognised as disabled, whom they recruit either on the recommendation of the public employment service, or directly, in application of criteria determined by order of the minister responsible for employment.
They provide these employees with specific support to help them realise their career plans, develop their skills and move within the company itself or to other companies.
The first paragraph of Article L. 1224-2 does not apply to the transferring company or to the transferee following a market takeover or following an adapted company.